
Workshop for modular training toolkit for students engaged in ENHANCE activities

5th November 2021


The workshop is aimed at supporting preparation of the report on modular training toolkit. The toolkit will be developed for students engaged in ENHANCE activities in a participatory process with the students.

Topics of the workshop will include:

  • Co-creating of the events and workshops by students.
  • Co-researching and undertaking scholarship projects by students with staff.
  • Students' participation in course design review committees.
  • Co-assessing by students.
  • Co-designing courses and curricula by students.
  • Co-evaluation of courses by students.

What is a „modular training toolkit”?
The training toolkit contains instructions (manual) and tools (e.g. logic model/theory of change, workshop designs, policy and procedures, program evaluation) to build the activity. In this case, the activity is the co-creation of teaching and learning at ENHANCE university. The modularity of the toolkit allows one to complete sections or modules of training according to one's time plan and availability.

What is co-creation?
The co-creation is the process of creating something together (Björklund 2017). Together, that is, with the participation of interested stakeholders. This approach is particularly effective when designing products that address (often partially) ill-defined problems, represent an innovative approach to the problem, or are an idea driving future transformations. The co-creation approach in design allows the product to be tailored to the needs of stakeholders.
The event format will include: coffee table, brainstorming, prototyping, discussion.

workshop image


29 October 2021


Preparation: sending materials to prepare for the discussion: articles, examples of co-creation at various universities

Participants: students and employees

5 November 2021   9:00 - 9:30

Online: Webex

Welcome & Introduction (EHANCE project, topics to be discussed)

Participants: students and employees

5 November 2021   9:45 - 11:30

Online: Webex

First round of discussion:
 - Students co-creating short-time events
 - Students co-researching and undertaking scholarship projects with staff
 - Students' participation in course design review committees   

5 November 2021   11:30 - 12:30

Online: Webex

Lunch break, free discussion

5 November 2021   12:30 - 14:15

Online: Webex

Second round of discussion:
 - Students co-assessing
 - Students co-designing courses and curricula
 - Students co-evaluating courses  

5 November 2021   14:15 - 14:45

Online: Webex

Coffee break, free discussion

5 November 2021   14:45 - 15:30

Online: Webex

Wrap-up & outline for further work

6 - 12 November 2021


Working in subgroups: writing individual toolkit modules based on the work during the workshop

Participants: students and employees

15 - 19 November 2021


Joining individual parts, editing the entire toolkit

Participants: HEInnovator team


The participants of the workshop have to:

  • prepare for the workshop;
  • read in advance the materials provided by the organizer;
  • share the initial thoughts on the materials read;
  • participate actively in all parts of the workshop;
  • keep and share the notes from the event;
  • summarize the workshop and contribute to the development of the toolkit.

Materials for Participants - download

resources image


The outcomes (the modular training toolkit for students engaged in ENHANCE activities) will result from the discussion during the workshop. 



The ENHANCE Alliance consists of 7 leading European technical universities: Berlin University of Technology, RWTH in Aachen, the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, the University of Technology in Milan, the University of Technology in Valencia and Warsaw University of Technology.

The Alliance educates a total of 245,000 students at the universities and employs over 41,300 people. Over the past 5 years, 4,400 employees and students of ENHANCE have participated in various exchange programs between universities being part of the Alliance. The partners obtained a total of over 4,050 patents.

The aim of the project is systemic, structural and permanent cooperation between the universities of the Alliance, which will lead to the development of new solutions that go beyond the existing models of cooperation.

The specific objectives adopted by ENHANCE universities include: the introduction of innovative teaching methods on a large scale, facilitating students to choose subjects from the offer of partner universities, creating a system facilitating the mobility of the academic community and reducing bureaucratic barriers.

Universities participating in the project will cooperate with associated partners – enterprises, city offices, student organizations, research networks, foundations and non-profit organizations.

More information:



Dominika Frąk-Dudzińska
Warsaw University of Technology

Phone: +48 22 234 1594

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